Alan & Andre McIntyre

I have been trying to find the right words to express our gratitude for everything you have done for us. Your generosity and kindness in offering your expertise without any charge was certainly life-changing for us. 

Our future was looking grim when we met you in Perth. We were living unhappily at Champion Lakes Village and the headache with the unit on Geraldton along with the debt on the loan we were facing with Westpac once the unit was sold. 

Thank you for all your advice, support, and guidance; leaving Champion Lakes, buying our ‘tiny house’ (it’s home!), changing over our house, car, and caravan into a trust, and then dealing with Westpac.

We’ve had a very stressful and challenging year but with those issues behind us, we can enjoy retirement.

We will never forget, nor take lightly what you have done for us. Again, our sincere thanks for taking us under your wing.