Our Services

Let’s start with the foundations.

There’s a common misconception that you need a certain amount of money to qualify for financial planning advice. But that’s simply not true.

And it’s never too late, nor too early, to start your investment journey and set your future up properly. With the right strategy and advice, there’s so much more you can do than just get by – no matter your life circumstances.

Financial success looks different to each individual. Whether you’re in the thick of it with little kids, or you’ve got some savings that you know could be working harder for you, or you’re starting to wonder what retirement might look like, we can help you formulate successful strategies to achieve your goals.

We’re happy to explore every idea and scenario, explain every piece of jargon, and answer every question you have because this is your future plan we are creating together!

We aren’t aligned to specific products or financial providers, so when we make a recommendation it’s because we believe that is the best option for you. Our goal is to ensure you understand our recommendations and why we have made them. Your buy-in to the process is essential to the journey.

Our advisers are committed to delivering personalised and dynamic strategies, coupled with continuous monitoring and optimisation of your financial assets, all intended to help you reach and surpass your goals.

So, whether you’re taking your first steps towards financial independence or seeking to optimise your current strategies, know that we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need every step of the way.

Growth in all the right places.

We get it. For some people, the thought of diving into investments, superannuation and SMSFs is overwhelming, ‘not for me’ or ‘only for people with lots of money’.

But we love to surprise our clients when we show them that’s simply not true!

We recognise the critical role that superannuation and investments can play in securing your financial future, and we design tailored strategies to optimise both aspects of your financial portfolio.

Our advisers provide comprehensive guidance on how to maximise superannuation contributions, select the most suitable investment options, and effectively manage your fund to ensure it aligns with your retirement goals.

Whether you’re just starting your career or nearing retirement age, we’ll work closely with you to create a superannuation strategy that optimises tax benefits, minimises fees, and maximises returns, ultimately setting you up for a more comfortable retirement.

When it comes to investments, we understand that each individual has unique financial objectives and risk tolerances. That’s why we take a personalised approach to investment planning, starting with a thorough assessment of your financial situation, goals, and risk profile.

We offer guidance on asset allocation, portfolio diversification, and investment selection, leveraging our expertise and market insights to help you make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Whether you’re interested in building wealth for the long term, generating passive income, or preserving capital, we will craft a customised investment strategy tailored to those specific needs.

Financial strategies are never set-and-forget. We are deeply committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure that your investments remain aligned with your evolving financial goals and market conditions. We regularly review and adjust your investment portfolio and superannuation strategy as needed, keeping you informed every step of the way.

Whether it’s monitoring performance, rebalancing your portfolio, or exploring new investment opportunities, we’re here to provide the expertise and support you need to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and stay on track towards achieving your long-term financial objectives.

When life doesn’t always go to plan…

Insurance is an essential element of protecting your wealth and protecting you and your loved ones from financial distress.

When you have worked so hard to set yourself up financially, it would be a brutal blow if one illness or accident wiped it all out.

Our risk advisers work as part of your broader financial team to continuously review your situation, identify any risks, and minimise the impact of unpleasant and unforeseen circumstances as much as possible.

Ensuring you, your family and your assets are protected is one of our top priorities in any financial plan. We can help recommend difference types of insurance cover depending on your needs, such as:

  • Life insurance
  • Income protection
  • Total and permanent disability
  • Trauma benefits

Once an insurance plan has been determined and the correct type of cover prepared, our job is to then ensure this remains relevant according to your financial plan. We perform an annual insurance audit to ensure the chosen cover is still the best option for your current situation and financial goals.

We take pride in giving our clients the peace of mind of knowing that every possible precaution has been taken to protect their wealth and their family.

There’s more to it than you think…

Building a property portfolio may seem impossible where you currently stand. But with the right advice, property investment is a sound and solid investment choice to help get to your destination faster.

The key is understanding your goals, objectives and risk profile. Then, as part of your overarching financial plan, we can make recommendations on how to start investing in property and what to buy.

There’s so much more to it than just buying an investment property. We can help to ascertain if you should renovate, when to sell and when to buy another. And maybe another!

Our advice can help to determine:

  • The type(s) of property to purchase and location.
  • Whether it should be positively or negatively geared.
  • Ownership structure.
  • Tax minimisation.
  • Advice on capital gains tax and land tax.
  • Asset protection.
  • Stamp duty.
  • Possible benefits available to assist in the purchase i.e. first home owner grant.

Our team of property advisers work alongside your entire financial team to ensure your property portfolio strategy is aligned to your broader financial plan.

This means with every step of the journey you are getting one step closer to your destination.

We are here to help you with advice, research, guidance and support on how to make the best investment strategies to align with your financial goals.

Our sister company Legacy Property Management can also provide full service property management to you if required.

The right loan should fit your strategy, not the other way around.

Securing the right loan rates, appropriate structure and flexible terms can save you years in loan repayments. Searching for this loan and negotiating the terms is a nuanced process.

Working as part of our broader team to ensure your loan achieves the outcome you need, our experienced lending specialists follow a streamlined process, finding the right products and financial providers to fit your overarching financial plan. It’s essential that the loan fits your strategy perfectly to maximise outcomes and help reach your goals faster.

We also conduct regular reviews to ensure your loan continues to meet your needs, look for opportunities to get better rates and ensure you are able to access available equity when required.

 A complex but necessary part of life!

Working hand-in-hand with our financial planners and broader financial team, our accounting and taxation specialists play a crucial role in optimising your financial position, identifying opportunities for maximising deductions, implementing tax-efficient strategies and minimising tax liabilities.

This provides you with a solid platform for growth and ensures all your finances are running smoothly, with no nasty surprises down the track.

Our team can help with all tax and accounting needs for individuals, couples, entrepreneurs and established businesses, from everyday tax returns to highly sophisticated structures.

We help to make understanding your financial position and tax obligations as easy and seamless as possible, by offering a full range of accounting services, ensuring that your finances are not only optimised for growth but also compliant with regulatory requirements.

We provide accurate, honest advice and support around:

  • Taxation
  • Business structuring
  • Cash flow forecasting
  • Preparation of annual accounts and periodic management accounts
  • Financial statements for sole traders, partnerships, companies, trusts and SMSFs
  • Preparation of business activity statements
  • Budgeting, and much more.

With our integrated approach, you can have confidence that the finer details are in capable hands, allowing you to focus on achieving your long-term financial goals.

Creating thriving organisations.

Whether you’re a startup, a growing business or a well-established company, luck will only get you so far! We work with you to establish solid foundations to build your business upon, providing advice on structuring, growth and management to ensure success.

  • If you’re a startup, giving you the power to focus on what you’re good at is essential. Our job is to help guide you on this journey and take care of the necessary compliance and paperwork, leaving you to focus on your ideas.
  • For growing businesses, taking that next step is always scary. But with the right advice, you can turn those growth opportunities into long-term success.
  • For established businesses, the complexities of big business are immense, but we can help you unlock strategic value to ensure the heart of your business remains true, despite the stakeholder disputes, legacy challenges or growth opportunities that come your way.

Setting clear goals and objectives to know where your business is heading, and receiving the right advice to make it happen, can make all the difference in the long term.

We work closely with you, in consultation with your broader financial team, to ensure every part of both your business and financial strategy aligns appropriately across every facet of finance.

Our range of business advisory services includes:

  • Business advice and support
  • Business structuring
  • Profit growth
  • Cashflow management
  • KPI monitoring
  • Benchmarking
  • Business coaching
Protecting your legacy.

While nobody likes to think about the inevitable, a formal estate plan is essential for protecting your interests and ensuring your loved ones are cared for. It also safeguards against unnecessary emotional distress and financial difficulty for those who are left behind.

Organising, documenting and consolidating your financial affairs will ensure that your legacy is properly communicated and protected.

We help with estate planning in a number of ways, such as:

  • Creation of wills
  • Testamentary trusts
  • Succession planning
  • Probate and deceased estate administration
  • Contested wills and estates
  • Advanced health directive
  • Power of attorney
  • Asset protection

Together with your broader financial team, we work together under one roof to ensure that your future is protected and your legacy is secured for generations to come.

  • Financial Planning
    Let’s start with the foundations.

    There’s a common misconception that you need a certain amount of money to qualify for financial planning advice. But that’s simply not true.

    And it’s never too late, nor too early, to start your investment journey and set your future up properly. With the right strategy and advice, there’s so much more you can do than just get by – no matter your life circumstances.

    Financial success looks different to each individual. Whether you’re in the thick of it with little kids, or you’ve got some savings that you know could be working harder for you, or you’re starting to wonder what retirement might look like, we can help you formulate successful strategies to achieve your goals.

    We’re happy to explore every idea and scenario, explain every piece of jargon, and answer every question you have because this is your future plan we are creating together!

    We aren’t aligned to specific products or financial providers, so when we make a recommendation it’s because we believe that is the best option for you. Our goal is to ensure you understand our recommendations and why we have made them. Your buy-in to the process is essential to the journey.

    Our advisers are committed to delivering personalised and dynamic strategies, coupled with continuous monitoring and optimisation of your financial assets, all intended to help you reach and surpass your goals.

    So, whether you’re taking your first steps towards financial independence or seeking to optimise your current strategies, know that we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need every step of the way.

  • Investments & Super
    Growth in all the right places.

    We get it. For some people, the thought of diving into investments, superannuation and SMSFs is overwhelming, ‘not for me’ or ‘only for people with lots of money’.

    But we love to surprise our clients when we show them that’s simply not true!

    We recognise the critical role that superannuation and investments can play in securing your financial future, and we design tailored strategies to optimise both aspects of your financial portfolio.

    Our advisers provide comprehensive guidance on how to maximise superannuation contributions, select the most suitable investment options, and effectively manage your fund to ensure it aligns with your retirement goals.

    Whether you’re just starting your career or nearing retirement age, we’ll work closely with you to create a superannuation strategy that optimises tax benefits, minimises fees, and maximises returns, ultimately setting you up for a more comfortable retirement.

    When it comes to investments, we understand that each individual has unique financial objectives and risk tolerances. That’s why we take a personalised approach to investment planning, starting with a thorough assessment of your financial situation, goals, and risk profile.

    We offer guidance on asset allocation, portfolio diversification, and investment selection, leveraging our expertise and market insights to help you make informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Whether you’re interested in building wealth for the long term, generating passive income, or preserving capital, we will craft a customised investment strategy tailored to those specific needs.

    Financial strategies are never set-and-forget. We are deeply committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure that your investments remain aligned with your evolving financial goals and market conditions. We regularly review and adjust your investment portfolio and superannuation strategy as needed, keeping you informed every step of the way.

    Whether it’s monitoring performance, rebalancing your portfolio, or exploring new investment opportunities, we’re here to provide the expertise and support you need to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and stay on track towards achieving your long-term financial objectives.

  • Insurance
    When life doesn’t always go to plan…

    Insurance is an essential element of protecting your wealth and protecting you and your loved ones from financial distress.

    When you have worked so hard to set yourself up financially, it would be a brutal blow if one illness or accident wiped it all out.

    Our risk advisers work as part of your broader financial team to continuously review your situation, identify any risks, and minimise the impact of unpleasant and unforeseen circumstances as much as possible.

    Ensuring you, your family and your assets are protected is one of our top priorities in any financial plan. We can help recommend difference types of insurance cover depending on your needs, such as:

    • Life insurance
    • Income protection
    • Total and permanent disability
    • Trauma benefits

    Once an insurance plan has been determined and the correct type of cover prepared, our job is to then ensure this remains relevant according to your financial plan. We perform an annual insurance audit to ensure the chosen cover is still the best option for your current situation and financial goals.

    We take pride in giving our clients the peace of mind of knowing that every possible precaution has been taken to protect their wealth and their family.

  • Property Investment
    There’s more to it than you think…

    Building a property portfolio may seem impossible where you currently stand. But with the right advice, property investment is a sound and solid investment choice to help get to your destination faster.

    The key is understanding your goals, objectives and risk profile. Then, as part of your overarching financial plan, we can make recommendations on how to start investing in property and what to buy.

    There’s so much more to it than just buying an investment property. We can help to ascertain if you should renovate, when to sell and when to buy another. And maybe another!

    Our advice can help to determine:

    • The type(s) of property to purchase and location.
    • Whether it should be positively or negatively geared.
    • Ownership structure.
    • Tax minimisation.
    • Advice on capital gains tax and land tax.
    • Asset protection.
    • Stamp duty.
    • Possible benefits available to assist in the purchase i.e. first home owner grant.

    Our team of property advisers work alongside your entire financial team to ensure your property portfolio strategy is aligned to your broader financial plan.

    This means with every step of the journey you are getting one step closer to your destination.

    We are here to help you with advice, research, guidance and support on how to make the best investment strategies to align with your financial goals.

    Our sister company Legacy Property Management can also provide full service property management to you if required.

  • Lending
    The right loan should fit your strategy, not the other way around.

    Securing the right loan rates, appropriate structure and flexible terms can save you years in loan repayments. Searching for this loan and negotiating the terms is a nuanced process.

    Working as part of our broader team to ensure your loan achieves the outcome you need, our experienced lending specialists follow a streamlined process, finding the right products and financial providers to fit your overarching financial plan. It’s essential that the loan fits your strategy perfectly to maximise outcomes and help reach your goals faster.

    We also conduct regular reviews to ensure your loan continues to meet your needs, look for opportunities to get better rates and ensure you are able to access available equity when required.

  • Accounting & Tax
     A complex but necessary part of life!

    Working hand-in-hand with our financial planners and broader financial team, our accounting and taxation specialists play a crucial role in optimising your financial position, identifying opportunities for maximising deductions, implementing tax-efficient strategies and minimising tax liabilities.

    This provides you with a solid platform for growth and ensures all your finances are running smoothly, with no nasty surprises down the track.

    Our team can help with all tax and accounting needs for individuals, couples, entrepreneurs and established businesses, from everyday tax returns to highly sophisticated structures.

    We help to make understanding your financial position and tax obligations as easy and seamless as possible, by offering a full range of accounting services, ensuring that your finances are not only optimised for growth but also compliant with regulatory requirements.

    We provide accurate, honest advice and support around:

    • Taxation
    • Business structuring
    • Cash flow forecasting
    • Preparation of annual accounts and periodic management accounts
    • Financial statements for sole traders, partnerships, companies, trusts and SMSFs
    • Preparation of business activity statements
    • Budgeting, and much more.

    With our integrated approach, you can have confidence that the finer details are in capable hands, allowing you to focus on achieving your long-term financial goals.

  • Business Advisory
    Creating thriving organisations.

    Whether you’re a startup, a growing business or a well-established company, luck will only get you so far! We work with you to establish solid foundations to build your business upon, providing advice on structuring, growth and management to ensure success.

    • If you’re a startup, giving you the power to focus on what you’re good at is essential. Our job is to help guide you on this journey and take care of the necessary compliance and paperwork, leaving you to focus on your ideas.
    • For growing businesses, taking that next step is always scary. But with the right advice, you can turn those growth opportunities into long-term success.
    • For established businesses, the complexities of big business are immense, but we can help you unlock strategic value to ensure the heart of your business remains true, despite the stakeholder disputes, legacy challenges or growth opportunities that come your way.

    Setting clear goals and objectives to know where your business is heading, and receiving the right advice to make it happen, can make all the difference in the long term.

    We work closely with you, in consultation with your broader financial team, to ensure every part of both your business and financial strategy aligns appropriately across every facet of finance.

    Our range of business advisory services includes:

    • Business advice and support
    • Business structuring
    • Profit growth
    • Cashflow management
    • KPI monitoring
    • Benchmarking
    • Business coaching
  • Estate Planning
    Protecting your legacy.

    While nobody likes to think about the inevitable, a formal estate plan is essential for protecting your interests and ensuring your loved ones are cared for. It also safeguards against unnecessary emotional distress and financial difficulty for those who are left behind.

    Organising, documenting and consolidating your financial affairs will ensure that your legacy is properly communicated and protected.

    We help with estate planning in a number of ways, such as:

    • Creation of wills
    • Testamentary trusts
    • Succession planning
    • Probate and deceased estate administration
    • Contested wills and estates
    • Advanced health directive
    • Power of attorney
    • Asset protection

    Together with your broader financial team, we work together under one roof to ensure that your future is protected and your legacy is secured for generations to come.

Tell us your story

We leave the dreams and aspirations to you! Our job is to pull it all together and ensure you receive the right information and advice across every aspect of your financial journey, including investments, accounting, superannuation, insurances, property, estate planning and so much more.

It can be difficult knowing where to start when it comes to your future. Setting goals is the easy part, but figuring out how to get there can be totally overwhelming!

So, sit down with us and tell us your story, and we’ll show you how we can partner with you to bring it to life.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

There are no obligations and all discussions are confidential.

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For the last few years we have had the pleasure of sponsoring the Snowball media car at the much-loved Sh1tbox…

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