Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Last updated: February 2025


At Your Future Strategy we are passionate about helping you achieve your financial and property goals – no matter how big or small.

We take a holistic view of your situation, bringing together expertise in financial planning, self-managed super funds, insurance, property investment, lending, and accounting – all in the one place. All of our services are on standby, ready for you to access at a moment’s notice. There’s no need to wait while we catch up on your story, as we’ll have all the information we need at hand. Now that saves time and money.

Within the Your Future Strategy group there are multiple licensed subsidiaries that will provide you with professional advice in specific areas. Whilst those subsidiaries all trade as Your Future Strategy, they will be referenced separately in this document so you clearly understand which entity is providing you which advice.

Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd
ABN: 59 608 700 456
Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL): 481565
EDR Scheme Name: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
EDR Membership No: 37410

Head Office:
Level 19, 50 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
P. 1300 987 678
F. 1300 452 769
[email protected]


Non-Independent Disclosure

Under s942B(2)(fa) and 942C(2)(ga) of the Corporations Act, Your Future Strategy Pty Ltd and Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd are not independent, impartial or unbiased because:

  • We may receive non-monetary (“soft dollar”) benefits such as training or conference sponsorship from product providers. 
  • We receive commissions for the life risk insurance advice we provide.
  • We also may offer services from related entities within the Septennial group. 


Your financial adviser acts under the authority of Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd Australian Financial Services Licence no. 481565. Under the Corporations Act, Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd is responsible for the financial services provided to you.

Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd offers a wide range of services all under the one roof, making it easier to create a comprehensive financial strategy. Our advisers look forward to providing you with advice on:

  • Deposit and payment products
  • Debentures, stocks or bonds
  • Investment life insurance products
  • Life risk insurance products
  • Managed investments schemes
  • Retirement savings accounts
  • Securities
  • Superannuation

Each adviser is authorised under Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd’s Australian Financial Services Licence No. 481565. Refer to your adviser’s profile on our website to see which areas your adviser is authorised to provide advice.

You can be sure every piece of advice we give you is in your best interests. Your Future Strategy and Your Financial Advisor are not controlled or influenced by any financial institution(s) such as a fund manager, bank, insurance company or trade/credit union.

We maintain an Approved Product List (APL) grounded in thorough research and due diligence. While we have preferred and frequently used products that meet our research standards, we are not restricted solely to these products if an alternative solution is in your best interests. Our advisers can recommend products outside the APL if supported by appropriate research and justification, and we will disclose any additional considerations or processes for using non-APL products.


You can learn more about each of our advisers, their qualifications, and their authorised representative numbers by visiting:

Each adviser acts under the authority of Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd (AFSL 481565). We encourage you to review their profiles to see who you will be working with and confirm the areas in which they are authorised to provide advice.


To ensure our advice is appropriate to your situation, we will ask you to provide us with accurate information regarding your personal objectives, details of your current financial situation and any other relevant information. We will provide you with a specific list of requirements tailored for you. If you choose not to provide some or all of this information, there is a risk that any recommendations we make may not be appropriate to your needs and objectives.

Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Finance Act, we are required to verify your identity with documents such as your passport and driver’s license, and the source of any funds. To assist verification, we will request various documents (some original) that demonstrate your financial situation, or contact third parties for further assistance. If you choose not to provide any of these documents, unfortunately by law we cannot provide any advice, financial or credit services to you.

We must keep copies of any information obtained for seven years. Rest assured the copies will be kept securely in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you would like to view the information we hold about you, please ask.

To make things easy for you, we are happy for you to choose how you would like to give us instructions – by phone, letter or email. If you choose to do this by phone, we all advise at the time that we will record the phone call. You may request a copy of the phone call at that time or for up to 90 days after.


The most important documents you will receive from us are: our Financial Services Guide, and Advice Documents.

This is an important document outlining information about our company and the services we provide. It is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services provided by Your Financial Advisor. It is designed to clearly define our roles and responsibilities.

A Statement of Advice is a written explanation of the Adviser’s advice to you. It explains and records the advice, the reasons for the advice and how the advice is to be implemented. Before we prepare a Statement of Advice for you, we will request information about you, your current financial situation and future needs. Our recommendations will always be thoroughly researched and suitable for your goals and objectives. You may receive several Statements of Advice throughout our relationship, as our advice will change and grow with you.

A Statement of Advice explains in detail the strategy we are recommending to you. It will outline the fees and/or commissions, and disclose any associations we have with financial product issuers or other parties who may influence the advice we give you. Where you receive ongoing or further advice a Statement of Further Advice (SoFA) and Record of Advice (RoA) may be provided. If our recommendation includes a particular financial product, we will provide the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD). This will help you make an informed decision. We will explain any significant risks of the financial products and strategies we recommend to you. If we do not, please ask us to.

Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd has professional indemnity insurance as required by the Corporations Act 2001.


Your adviser will discuss all fees and charges with you before they provide a service. This is required of them by law, under The Corporations Act.

There are several ways we are paid for our services:

  • fee for service
  • commission
  • brokerage
  • a combination of commission and brokerage

All payments are made to the Licensee (Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd). Your individual adviser will receive the portion they disclose upfront in the advice document. Details of the fees and commission for each product are contained in the Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) that your adviser will provide. Your adviser will also provide full details of fees and commissions in your advice documents.

We may be paid in a number of ways including:

  • fees directly paid by you
  • commissions paid from risk insurers
  • payments made by product providers.


Life Risk Insurance ProductsUpfrontOngoing (per annum)
CommissionUp to 66% of the first year’s premiumsUp to 22% of that year’s premium
Adviser Service Fee (inc. GST) Based on $1000 premiumUp to $660Up to $220

Advisers are paid a salary and may also receive a performance bonus. The bonus incentives that may be paid to employees are calculated based on qualitative and quantitative goals that measure their overall contribution to the business.

We do not accept commissions/fees from managed investment providers. We charge an ongoing fee either based on the value of the funds you invest and the financial products you use, or a fixed fee. This is in the range of 0-5%. Your adviser will discuss a suitable arrangement for how you would prefer to pay this fee. It can be:

  • asset based and paid directly from your investment portfolio
  • a direct debit payment from your bank  account
  • invoiced to you

Please note that the fees above are examples only. The fees you will pay depend on the services that you choose to receive, and will be discussed with you before they are charged. Your Adviser will always disclose them to you in your Statement of Advice at the time they provide the advice.

From time to time advisers may receive non-monetary benefits from product providers, ranging from small benefits such as movie or sporting event tickets to more valuable benefits such as sponsorship to attended conferences. Your Financial Advisor Pty Ltd keeps an Alternative Remuneration Register to record any benefits that are received by the company and individual adviser that exceed $300. You may inspect this register at any time.


We charge fees for our services on both an upfront (initial) and ongoing basis. Below is an overview; specific amounts, where relevant, will appear in your Statement of Advice (SoA).

  • Upfront / Initial Advice Fee (Project Fee)
    This covers the time required to gather your information, analyse your current position, prepare and implement initial recommendations. The fee is a fixed amount and varies based on the complexity of your situation.
  • Ongoing Advice Fee
    We provide ongoing reviews, strategy adjustments, and support throughout the year. This fee can be a fixed-dollar amount, asset-based, or a combination, depending on your preferences and the scope of work. Exact amounts and payment frequency (e.g., monthly or quarterly) will be outlined in your SoA and Ongoing Service Agreement.

Annual Consent Requirement
Where you have an ongoing fee arrangement, we will seek your written consent each year to continue deducting ongoing fees from your specified account. This ensures transparency and gives you the opportunity to review the services we provide.

No Additional Fee for Insurance Claims Handling

If you need to make a claim under any insurance policy we have recommended, we do not charge any separate or additional claims-handling fees for assisting you with the process. Any initial or ongoing commissions we receive from the insurer are disclosed in your Statement of Advice.


We are part of Your Future Strategy Holdings Pty Ltd, which also includes:

  • Your Loan Broker Pty Ltd
  • Your Tax Advisor Pty Ltd 

Other associated entities in the Septennial Group are:

  • Legacy Buyers Agency Pty Ltd
  • Legacy Property Management Pty Ltd
  • Legacy Commercial & Advisory Pty Ltd
  • Legacy Project Marketing Pty Ltd
  • Scene Finance Pty Ltd
  • Croy Legal Pty Ltd 
  • Croy Advisory Pty Ltd
  • Lighthouse Property No. 1 Pty Ltd
  • Lighthouse Property No. 2 Pty Ltd
  • Lighthouse Property No. 3 Pty Ltd

Your Future Strategy Holdings Pty Ltd and The Septennial Group of companies are owned by an entities controlled by Gareth and Lisa Croy. You may be referred to these providers if their services form part of your overall strategy, but we do not receive any referral fees, commissions, or other payments when we refer you. You are always free to use third-party service providers if you prefer. 

We may recommend investments in shares that advisors hold or may hold in the future. We will manage any conflicts of interest to ensure our advice is always in your best interests in accordance with his best interests duties and obligations under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Code of Ethics. We actively manage any potential conflicts of interest and will clearly disclose if a recommendation involves a related entity’s service.

Soft Dollar Benefits
From time to time, our advisers may receive non-monetary benefits (e.g., attendance at conferences or training sessions) and minor gifts (under $300) from product issuers or service providers. We maintain a register of these benefits in accordance with our regulatory obligations. You may request a copy of this register at any time.


We are committed to providing a high-quality service to our clients. If you are not satisfied with the service we provide, please follow the steps in our robust complaints procedure:

  • Contact our office immediately. 
  • We will acknowledge your complaint within one business day
  • If you are not satisfied with the resolution achieved within 30 days of notifying our office, you may then seek external resolution via AFCA. 


Director – Financial Planning

Australian Financial Complaints Authority

  • P. 1800 931 678
  • W.

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

  • P. 1300 300 630 (FREE CALL)


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